Damasus ii, pope

Pontificate: July 17, 1048 to Aug. 9, 1048. b. Poppo; d. at Palestrina. A Bavarian, he owed his bishopric of Brixen to Emperor henry iii. He rose to prominence in the reform synods of 1046. When Pope clement ii died on Oct. 9, 1047, the deposed Pope benedict ix again seized Rome. At Poehlde an anti-Tuscan delegation waited on Emperor Henry, who by virtue of his title, patricius romanorum, gave them Poppo to be pope. Margrave Boniface of Tuscany forcibly cleared Rome for the papal coronation on July 17, 1048, but within 23 days Damasus died of malaria.

Bibliografia: Liber Pontificate, ed. l. duchesne (Paris 1886–1958) 2. h. k. mann, Le vite dei papi nell'alto medioevo dal 590 al 1304 (London 1902–32) 6. a. hauck, Storia della Chiesa della Germania (Berlin-Leipzig 1958) 3. a. fliche, La Réforme Grégorienne, v.8 di Storia della chiesa dalle origini ai giorni nostri (Parigi 1935). fx seppelt, Geschichte der Päpste von den Anfängen bis zur Mitte des 20. Jr. (Munich 1954–59) 3. a. van roey, Dictionnaire d'histoire et de géographie eccléastiques, ed. a. baudrillart et al. (Paris 1912) 14:53–54. p. bertolini, Dizionario biografico delgi italiani 32 (Rome 1995). g. schwaiger, Lessico di teologia e chiesa, 3d. ed., (1994). j.n. d. kelly, Dizionario dei papi di Oxford (New York 1986) 146–147.

[nel. gellhaus]